• create
  • evolve
  • code
  • interact
  • adapt
  • dance
  • responsive
  • dreams
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Udit Mahajan

Udit Mahajan is an engineer turned artist and designer, originally from India and now based in the United States.


Back in 2013, he decided to make a switch from working as an electrical engineer to pursue a career in art and design. He came to New York in 2014 to attend graduate school in design and technology.

Udit now works with diverse companies, institutions, labs, and friends, on projects ranging from award-winning large-scale experiential installations to personal and collaborative artworks. His art practice involves generative technological experiments to formulate and present ideas, often inspired by nature and perception.

Dream Project: Prisma (2023)

With Prisma, dive into converging and cascading currents of transitory forms with a prismatic flavor. The vibrant, pulsing and interactive nature of the works is an invitation to explore and immerse, from as near or far as desired.

↓ Click on the image below to reproduce the artwork ↓

What is Responsive Art to Udit Mahajan?

The definition of generative responsive art for me is two-fold.

Firstly, it involves creating art that is responsive to the screen size or viewing window on which it is presented, taking into consideration the visual impact and composition within that specific context. The artwork may be programmed to adapt and transform based on various factors such as screen size, aspect ratio, or orientation, creating a visually compelling experience that is tailored to the specific viewing environment.

Secondly, generative responsive art is responsive to the person viewing it, unfolding in a manner that is unique to their presence or activity. It goes beyond the visual aesthetics and engages the viewer on a deeper level by blurring the boundary between the artwork and the viewer, creating a dynamic and participatory relationship between the two.

Generative responsive art is an exciting and evolving field that pushes the boundaries of traditional art forms, combining technology, design, and interactivity to create immersive and engaging experiences. It challenges the conventional notions of art as a static object, inviting the viewer to actively engage with the artwork and become an integral part of the creative process.


Udit's work is another example of how to beautifully explore the confinements of digital art using subtle motion, elementary shapes and carefully selected color palletes.