• create
  • evolve
  • code
  • interact
  • adapt
  • dance
  • responsive
  • dreams
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Digital Arts Festival

The first Generative Art exhibition in Barcelona dedicated entirely to showcasing art created by code.

Featured Artists

The Generative Art Museum presents Responsive Dreams, an exhibition exploring generative art as a medium of creative expression

Resonances #1 by Eliza Struthers-Jobin

Resonances #1

Eliza Struthers-Jobin

Edu Prats   Quentin Hocdé   Shaderism   Eliza Struthers-Jobin   Office CA   poperbu   Andreas Rau   Anna Lucia   Spacer   Balago   Turbulente   Lars Wander   Anna Carreras   David Lost   NZ9   Eloi el Bon Noi   Daniel Aguilar   DJ Kosmos   Bee Boys   QBRNTHSS   Daniel Julia   Donqui   Ocult-ment   LXT   Luis E. Fraguada   Obak   Xiwire   Mekhno   Lauseek   Shannax   Heeey   Takk Iori   Paolo Curtoni   DJ LeTung   Munro Leaf   Dum Dum from NZ9   Gola   Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez   Ismahelio   Daniel Julià   protozoo   mek/hno   Pablo Alpe   Juan Manuel Pereira

About The Exhibition

Generative Art has been around for a while, but only recent technology has made true globalization of artists and their work possible. “Georg Nees: Computergrafik” was the first exhibition world-wide of graphic works algorithmically generated by a digital computer at the Siemens company in Erlangen (Germany). The works Georg Ness had on display were generated by a digital computer properly programmed. Only a few years later, Georg himself began to call his works generative Computergrafik (also the title of his doctoral dissertation).

A number of artist-professors from the Stuttgart Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste attended the opening. One of them asked Georg Nees whether he could make his computer (a program) to draw the same manner the artist was drawing. Nees answer is a classic. After a short hesitation he replied: “Yes, of course, I can do this. Under one condition: you must tell me how you draw”. In the ensuing irritation, Max Bense spontaneously coined the word “Artificial Art”.

This interesting interaction between two concepts of art emphasizes on the blurry distinction of what we understand as art and how technology creates new paths for artists to explore. Although the use of autonomous machinery to create art has been present before computers, the personal computer is definitely the first tool that disrupts the scene and creates an endless box of possibilities. The Generative Art Museum was born to spread the word about it and Responsive Dreams is our first exhibition to accomplish that goal.

The fact that Geroge Nees created an exhibition to showcase his work further reinforces how important it remains to host events that bridge the gap between the current digital and physical ecosystems, strengthening the link between art and audience. There is something magical about experiencing art in person. Walking through a gallery or museum, observing the brushstrokes, textures, and colors up close, and feeling the energy emanating from each piece is an irreplaceable experience.

This experience is still present for digital pieces, where the selection of technology to display the work plays an important role in the final output that is presented to the viewer. Real-life exhibitions create a tangible connection between the artist and the viewer, allowing us to fully appreciate the art in all its glory. But Responsive Dreams is different, paying tribute to our name, users of our exhibition will not only observe the art; they will also be able to engage with it.

To fully understand generative art we must interact with the art, move around it, examine it from different angles, and even feel the textures with our fingertips. This immersive experience allows us to fully comprehend the artist’s intentions and appreciate the intricacies of their work.

Responsive Dreams exhibition provides a space for dialogue and discussion between the artist and the audience. Visitors can engage with the artist, ask questions, and gain insights into the creative process. This interaction creates a sense of community around the art and fosters a deeper appreciation for it. We hope to see all of you to connect in the most profound way possible.


5,6,7 September 2024


Thursday 5th September
Hour Activity Description
12:00 Doors Opening
12:00 The minting of all featured projects for Responsive Dreams 2024 starts Wires by Edu Prats - Parallelism by Quentin Hocdé - Touch Glass by Shaderism - Granulations by Eliza Struthers-Jobin - Lightweight Deconstruction by Office CA - Bitxo by poperbu -
14:00 - 15:00 Live Ocult-ment
15:00 - 19:30 Pen Plotting Parallelism by Quentin Hocdé
15:00 - 16:00 DJ Set DJ Letung
16:00 - 17:15 DJ Set Dum Dum
17:15 - 17:45 Project Spotlight oefenstof by Anna Lucia
18:00 - 18:45 Project Spotlight Bitxos by poperbu
19:00 - 19:30 Live Coding Xiwire (Audio) + Shannax (Visuals)
19:30 - 21:00 DJ Set Takk Iori
21:00 Doors Closing
Friday 6th September
Hour Activity Description
12:00 Doors Opening
13:00 - 14:00 DJ Set Hector
14:00 - 15:00 DJ Set Lauseek
15:00 - 16:00 DJ Set Obak
16:00 - 17:00 Project Spotlight Wires by Edu Prats
17:00 - 18:00 Live NICZERO9
18:00 - 19:00 DJ Set Gola
18:00 - 20:30 Pen Plotting Parallelism by Quentin Hocdé
19:00 - 20:00 Live Coding QBRNTHSS
20:00 - 21:00 Live Balago
21:00 - 22:00 DJ Set DJ Kosmos
22:00 Doors Closing
Saturday 7th September
Hour Activity Description
10:00 Doors Opening
10:30 - 11:30 Programming Workshop Programming workshop for children (from 8 to 12 years old) with Codelearn.
11:30 - 12:30 Programming Workshop Programming workshop for young people (12 to 14 years old) with Codelearn
12:30 - 13:30 Live BeeBoys
13:30 - 19:30 Pen Plotting Parallelism by Quentin Hocdé
15:30 - 16:30 DJ Set Munro Leaf
16:30 - 21:30 Pen Plotting Pols Creatiu by mekhno
16:30 - 17:30 Round Table Barcelona's Generative Art Ecosystem: A round table with local artists: Anna Carreras, Daniel Julià, Eliza Struthers-Jobin, Daniel Aguilar, Mekhno, Paolo Curtoni, Heeey and Luis E. Fraguada
17:30 - 18:00 Live Coding LXT
18:00 - 19:00 DJ Set David Lost
19:00 - 20:00 Live Coding Turbulente + Eloi el Bon Noi
20:00 - 21:00 DJ Set Spacer
21:00 - 22:00 DJ Set Donqui
22:00 Doors Closing

Live Minting Experience Collect art from our featured artists: Edu Prats, Quentin Hocdé, shaderism, Eliza Struthers-Jobin, Office CA and poperbu.

Local Art Wall A showcase of generative art made by the local community featuring Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez, Ismahelio, Daniel Julià, Anna Carreras, poperbu, protozoo, mek/hno, Luis E. Fraguada, Pablo Alpe and Juan Manuel Pereira.

Programming for Kids Join us for an free and interactive workshop designed specifically for kids to dive into the world of programming with the LOGO language. Perfect for ages 8-12 and 12-14, these workshops requires no prior coding experience.

Project Showcase: Oefenstof by Anna Lucia A continuous project in which Anna Lucia creates embroidered works of fabric based on an artistic algorithm of her own design.

Project Showcase: Klangteppich by Andreas Rau A multisensory experience that invites the viewer to touch, see and listen. 100 jacquard-woven pieces accompanied by live-generated visuals and music.

Project Showcase: La Gran Nit by Lars Wander, Mas Geli In this very special project, The Generative Art Museum brings together wine and art, Mas Geli and Lars Wander, to put art on a very special wine from Empordà, Girona.

Project Showcase: Pols Creatiu by Mekhno Pols Creatiu presents a unique pulsating center from which secondary forms emerge, driven by the movement of color, with patterns that expand and contract dynamically.

Project Showcase: {yes, yes, no, yes} by Anna Lucia {yes, yes, no, yes} is a generative tattoo project developed by Anna Lucia and Kyra Orbons.


Responsive Dreams
Open console.
List alerts.
1 alert found.
Deployment consensus: 100%.

It’s 44f, 2019a, 2021p and 11s. Brothers and I have decided to interrupt course to sector twelve to respond to mother alert. It’s the fourth eon the expedition spends exploring system TGM 3112 without relevant events. All scheduled relays have been installed according to calculations but no incoming transmissions have been received. Outgoing transmissions do receive acknowledged responses. Situation is nominal.

Interfaces are ready and the mission is a go.

Unusual levels of high-energy electromagnetic radiation makes improbable short-wave radio communication on the surface. As a result an ETR of two periods has been set. Although an atmosphere is present, common life existence has been discarded for biological reasons. Proves indicate the presence of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon, oxygen and an unknown element.

The environment seems to produce a vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave. Brother Z decoded the transmission, which is audible to human hearing range, suggesting an unlikely way of communication. Source is close enough for inspection according to equipment tolerances. Consensus is to locate the source.

Terrain produces light distortion affecting camera wavelength. The visible spectrum is clearly affected by the unknown element, causing a fluid, ever-extending, movement of the particles across the interface debris. Recording equipment is not able to persist snapshots of the environment, but mathematical equations are detected in the formation of unique and unpredictable projections.

It evolves and changes as our presence interacts with it. There’s no visible start or end in the current dimension, a property that clearly encourages further interaction. As we approach the source a subtle deformation of the space multiplies, warping around us, merging and blending light.

It’s. Beautiful.


Local Art Wall

Local community is very important for The Generative Art Museum, that's why Responsive Dreams exhibition will showcase a selection of work made by the local community of artists, including Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez, Ismahelio, Daniel Julià, Anna Carreras, poperbu, protozoo, mek/hno, Luis E. Fraguada, Pablo Alpe and Juan Manuel Pereira.