• create
  • evolve
  • code
  • interact
  • adapt
  • dance
  • responsive
  • dreams
Please Wait

{yes, yes, no, yes}

{yes, yes, no, yes} is a generative tattoo project developed by Anna Lucia and Kyra Orbons.

About the project

The project began spontaneously when Anna and Kyra sought a unique design for a tattoo. What started as a personal sketch evolved into a comprehensive algorithm capable of generating a wide array of glyphs, suited for tattoos. The project utilizes the NFT platform fx hash, specifically its ‘params’-feature, allowing participants to explore the algorithm and discover their personalized tattoo design.

The project has grown significantly since its inception, Anna and Kyra have hosted tattoo sessions in various locations, including an impromptu studio in a rooftop apartment in Venice. Each tattoo produced through this generative system carries a unique story, creating meaningful connections between the recipient, the algorithm, and the artist. The tattoos are placed using the stick and poke technique, embodying Anna's dedication to merging technology with traditional craft.

{yes, yes, no, yes} #22
{yes, yes, no, yes} #22
{yes, yes, no, yes} #13
{yes, yes, no, yes} #13
{yes, yes, no, yes} #15
{yes, yes, no, yes} #15
{yes, yes, no, yes} #6
{yes, yes, no, yes} #6
{yes, yes, no, yes} #10
{yes, yes, no, yes} #10
{yes, yes, no, yes} #1
{yes, yes, no, yes} #1

Getting your tattoo

There are 2 steps to getting your generative tattoo, choosing your design and the tattooing.

Step 1: The project makes use of fx(hash) to generate a tattoo design, an NFT platform for generative art. If you are familiar with collecting on fx_hash we will add your Tezos address to the allowlist of the project, then you can mint your ticket and use the params feature of the platform to mint our unique iteration. If you are not familiar with this process we can guide you through the minting process on site.

Step 2: Once you have chosen your design we will plan a moment for your tattoo session. We will share a Calendly link with you to book your time slot during the 3 days of the Responsive Dreams festival. Tattooing will take place at the festival. All tattoos are placed using the stick-and-poke technique. The price is €150 or Tezos equivalent on the moment of purchase.

About Anna Lucia

Anna Lucia is an interdisciplinary artist exploring the intersection of code and craft. Her practice involves writing custom software that generates art and creating textile works using an embroidery machine, translating traditional craft techniques into algorithmic systems.

By integrating randomness, Anna Lucia establishes a mediumistic dialogue between the artist and the computer; and accelerates the exploration of her self-designed systems.

Her body of work includes generative systems on the block-chain, browser-based animations, machine-assisted textile works, and tattoos, each medium revealing its inherent aesthetics.